We have the following measures in place:
1. We will request that all applicants/clients/staff and contractors confirm the following:
That they have not returned from any area designated as Category 1 or 2, as per the current
Government guidelines where the virus is widespread within the last 14 days.
That they alert us immediately if they believe they have otherwise been exposed to the
virus in any other way.
That they alert us immediately if they show any symptoms of a flu type infection, or a cold.
That they refrain from shaking hands.
2. Any member of Rochills staff showing signs of possible symptoms will be asked to stay at
home for a period of 14 days or until they are given a clean bill of health by a member of
the NHS.
3. Should a lock down be put in place members of our team will be able to effectively work
from home with access to our complete and secure cloud-based systems. This will enable
continuation of contact and the ability to progress sales and tenancies which are
proceeding to the best of our ability.
4. We will ensure that staff and contractors take pre-cautionary measures when visiting
client’s properties, such as using hand sanitiser and wearing protective gloves.
5. Our online marketing and call/enquiry management systems will be maintained to ensure
we continue to work as effectively as possible to minimise any potential disruption to the
marketing of our clients’ properties.