Renting with pets can often have certain misconceptions. Many Landlords can overlook perfectly good tenants, just because they come with a pet. Therefore, this blog post aims to clarify the benefits of letting your property to tenants with pets, as well as the actions tenants can take to improve their chances of securing a property that even your pets can call home.
Landlords Renting To Tenants With Pets
Landlords, letting to people with pets may be daunting, normally because you may have heard a horror story or two. But in truth, pet owners are just as reliable with making rent payments and looking after the house, just as anyone else. More often than not, it’s in fact children that cause more damage than pets!
Most properties we let are unfurnished, which means there’s no risk of dogs or cats scratching furniture owned by Landlords. Of course, if the property is a flat or has a head lease then you may be restricted by the lease. But if not, renting to tenants with pets may be something to seriously consider.
Here’s why:
- Not many landlords actually accept pets. So if you do, you can charge a premium and achieve a higher rent.
- You may find you would secure a tenant quicker, which will reduce your stress and void periods.
- Every tenant and pet is different. Some pets go to work with their owners and some are very well trained. So don’t turn away potential tenants until you know their full story.
- You can make sure the tenancy agreement states that the tenant will have the house professionally cleaned and fumigated at the end of the tenancy.
Did you know that from the 1st of June you’ll no longer be able to take a higher deposit for pets from tenants. But don’t panic, the Dogs Trust are encouraging landlords to take pets with their scheme Lets with Pets. The scheme aims to give advice for tenants and landlords on how to rent with pets. You may also have a separate tenancy agreement for the dog or cat with a monthly rent. For example, you could charge £30 a month and have a tenancy agreement for a dog.
Tenants Looking To Rent With Pets
If you are a tenant looking to rent with a pet, here are some tips on what to do:
1. Don’t leave your house hunting until the last minute
Give yourself plenty of time to find a pet-friendly property and begin searching at least 6-8 weeks before you need to move out of your current home.
2. Be as flexible as possible
The more restrictive your search criteria is, the more difficult it will be for you to find a pet-friendly property. Try to be flexible on location and property type as this will increase your chances of finding somewhere for you and your pet to live.
3. Write a CV for your pet
Provide your prospective landlord with as much information about your pet as you can. Include the contact details of your veterinary practice and someone who can care for your pet in the event of an emergency. You could also include details of your pet’s last vaccinations and any flea and worming treatments they have had.
4. Get a reference for your pet
By providing a reference from your previous landlord, you can show that your pet is well behaved and has caused no problems at your previous property. This will demonstrate that you are a responsible pet owner.
5. Introduce your pet to your landlord
Meeting your pet in advance may put your landlord’s mind at ease. You could invite your landlord to your current home, just so they can see that your pet hasn’t caused any problems there. This is particularly important for dogs, as it’s an opportunity to show your dog is well behaved.
6. Be honest, don’t sneak your pet in without permission
It’s never advisable to keep a pet in a property without the landlord’s consent. This will only lead to problems down the line and could result in the termination of your tenancy!
Always be honest about your pets from the start.
For more information on the ever changing world of lettings, please contact me on the details below.
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