10 Tips For Landlords
- Always have an application form that requests details of last 3 years residences, contains date of birth, national Insurance number and next of kin details.
- Request a copy of a Driving licence, passport or other proof of identity.
- Always use a tenant credit referencing service.
- Ask for sight of the last 3 or 6 months Bank statements.
- Beware of people in a rush. Often they become a problem.
- Ensure you have an independent professional inventory carried out prior to tenancy commencement and at the end of the tenancy. We recommend Fresh Property Solutions, please email [email protected] for more information.
- Advise them to take out Insurance to cover their and your belongings.
- Serve a S21 notice at the start of the tenancy. That is the day they move in. They will usually sign a copy of the notice at that time, providing the evidence you need to prove the notice has been served. This should be done AFTER the deposit has been lodged in a scheme.
- Think about taking 6 weeks deposit to avoid the scenario where they do not pay the last month rent, and there is still damage when they leave.
- Make sure you have Insurance in place that covers “Injury to people residing in or visiting the premises”.